Candidates Want to Spend Tens of Thousands of Francs for Campaigning

Published: Thursday, Sep 7th 2023, 15:00

Aktualisiert am: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 14:12

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The four major national parties in Switzerland have allocated large budgets for the upcoming national elections on October 22nd. For the first time, parties, organisations and candidates must publicly disclose their campaign budgets of over 50,000 francs and large donations of over 15,000 francs to the Swiss Federal Financial Control (EFK). The deadline for this disclosure was Thursday. The Mitte Schweiz has budgeted 2.1 million francs, the SP 1.7 million francs, the Greens 1.3 million francs and the EVP 275,000 francs. Gastrosuisse has budgeted 315,000 francs to support 160 mostly conservative candidates, while Swissbanking has allocated 51,000 francs to support the FDP, SVP, Mitte and GLP, in favour of the financial sector. The numbers will be released in the next two weeks.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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