Beat Jans is fact-oriented according to SP National Councillor Eric Nussbaumer.

Published: Friday, Sep 22nd 2023, 10:00

Aktualisiert am: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 14:12

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Beat Jans is a qualified candidate for the Swiss Federal Council, according to Eric Nussbaumer, a Baselbieter SP-Nationalrat. Nussbaumer described Jans as a "convincing personality" who is focused on solutions and has a good eye for the achievable. Anita Fetz, a former Basler SP-Ständerätin, called Jans a "bridge builder" who is able to find compromises. Sarah Wyss, a Basler Nationalrätin, highlighted Jans' experience as a member of the government, noting that he knows how to work in a collegial body and is able to make decisions quickly. Beat Jans is a qualified candidate for the Swiss Federal Council, according to Eric Nussbaumer, a Baselbieter SP-Nationalrat. Nussbaumer described Jans as a "convincing personality" who is focused on solutions and has a good eye for the achievable. Anita Fetz, a former Basler SP-Ständerätin, called Jans a "bridge builder" who is able to find compromises. Sarah Wyss, a Basler Nationalrätin, highlighted Jans' experience as a member of the government, noting that he knows how to work in a collegial body and is able to make decisions quickly. The Basel region hopes that this time they will be successful in getting a seat in the Federal Council. Jans is seen as a person who is not focused on showmanship, but rather on finding solutions and forging compromises. He is also able to handle criticism well.


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