Ticino Scientists Test Anti-Wolf Collars
Published: Saturday, Sep 23rd 2023, 08:39
Aktualisiert am: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 14:12
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Swiss and Italian scientists have developed a wolf-repellent collar to protect livestock. The collar emits pheromones, natural chemical substances that act as a boundary to tell the predator that the prey and territory do not belong to it. After laboratory and zoo tests, 728 animals, mainly goats, sheep and calves, have been equipped with the collars in Switzerland and Italy. The evaluation of the experiment is expected to be completed in the fall. Although the solution does not guarantee complete protection from predators, the loss rate of 1.4 percent is encouraging. However, the collar is not completely effective, as there have been ten victims, seven of which were killed in a large attack in Graubünden. Therefore, all animals would have to be equipped with a collar. The project is currently self-financed and the collars are handmade. The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment has expressed interest in supporting cantons that want to protect their livestock with the collar. In France, a pilot project is being funded in the Lot department, and in Italy, in Trentino, talks have been held with the regional authorities.