Swiss Teletax On French Border Commuters: Yes Vote

Swiss Teletax On French Border Commuters: Yes Vote

Mi., März 13th 2024

Switzerland’s National Council has overwhelmingly endorsed a tax agreement with France on teleworking, marking a big change for cross-border commuters.


Last year, Switzerland and France reached an agreement on the taxation of teleworking by French cross-border workers for Swiss companies. The National Council has now approved the agreed supplementary agreement to the double taxation agreement.

On Wednesday, it said yes to the supplementary agreement by 180 votes to 1. This takes account of developments in the area of teleworking, the Federal Council wrote. The bill goes to the Council of States.

According to the agreement, cross-border commuters from France may work up to 40% of their hours per year from home. The country in which the employer is located must transfer 40% of the taxes levied on the remuneration from teleworking in the country of residence to the employee’s country of residence.

An automatic exchange of information on salary data is planned so that the rules can be enforced. For the canton of Geneva, where a particularly large number of cross-border commuters from France work, a special regulation applies: the federal government contributes up to CHF 50 million per year to Geneva’s compensation payments to two neighbouring French departments.

The supplementary agreement updates other provisions of the double taxation agreement with France. Among other things, it is updated with the OECD’s requirements for combating base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).


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