Do., Mai 16th 2024
Vetropack workers call for a social plan and job preservation at Saint-Prex, challenging management’s decision to close the site without prior internal discussion.
Employees of the glass packaging manufacturer Vetropack are advocating for a social plan for those facing redundancy due to the impending layoffs. In addition, they are demanding the preservation of industrial jobs at the Saint-Prex VD site. These demands come in response to Vetropack’s management denying any obligation to negotiate a social plan, as stated by the unions Syna and Unia.
This controversy was sparked by a letter from the cantonal Directorate of Labor sent to the Vetropack workforce, which was shared with the media by the unions. The letter revealed that despite public assurances, Vetropack’s management had decided against negotiating a social plan with the affected employees.
The workforce expressed frustration over the company’s public relations strategy. It was reported that Vetropack’s management announced the closure of the Saint-Prex site to external parties and the media before informing the workforce, staff committee, and social partners, a move considered disrespectful by the employees.
The unions criticized Vetropack’s rationale behind the closure of the Saint-Prex site. They argued that the decision was strategically driven by the group’s preference to rely on facilities in other countries, rather than grounded in solid economic or technological reasons. According to the unions, the decision to shut down the site was predetermined well ahead of the consultation process, undermining the integrity of such engagements.