Mo., Juni 10th 2024
Swiss energy companies express relief over the approval of the Energy Cloak Decree, marking a crucial step toward securing Switzerland’s long-term electricity supply.
Swiss energy companies are relieved that the Energy Cloak Decree has been approved. From the perspective of the economy, however, it is only a first step in the right direction to secure the electricity supply in the long term.
“The vote has clearly shown that our company is aware that we cannot rest on our grandparents’ laurels,” Alpiq said at the request of the news agency AWP. The way is now clear for the rapid implementation of projects that will make the country’s energy supply possible.
The energy sector has now been given the tools to rapidly expand renewables, according to the umbrella organization Economiesuisse. Many blocked projects can now finally be realized. It is hoped that this “yes” vote will also increase public acceptance for the expansion of hydropower, alpine solar plants, and wind power.
On Sunday, almost 70 % voted in favor of the law on a secure electricity supply with renewable energies. The aim of the energy decree is to produce more domestic electricity, become less dependent on foreign countries, and secure the electricity supply in winter. The bill specifies minimum production volumes for renewable electricity and simplifies the planning of 16 hydropower plants. The Federal Council, parliament, the major parties, and important environmental associations have prevailed with the voters’ yes vote.
Following the Yes vote, Alpiq is now prioritizing the planned hydropower projects: the Gornerli and Oberaletsch projects and the raising of the Emosson, Moiry, and Sambuco dams. The Swiss energy group also intends to press ahead with Alpine photovoltaic plants (such as Gondosolar) and wind power projects (such as Belcoster). These would now also benefit from simplified approval procedures.