Schweizer Abstimmung: Weniger als 5.000 wählen per E-Ballot

Schweizer Abstimmung: Weniger als 5.000 wählen per E-Ballot

Mo, 19. Juni 2023

Electronic voting is still fairly new in Switzerland and it shows. Fewer than 5,000 Swiss voters chose the method using Swiss Post for Sunday’s elections.
A “Vote Today” sign in Yverdon-les-bains (Keystone SDA).

(Keystone SDA) An estimated 4,239 people filled in their ballot papers electronically on the voting weekend. In the cantons of Basel-Stadt, St. Gallen and Thurgau, e-voting was possible again for the first time since 2019 as part of a test operation. The Swiss Post developed the system.

At the beginning of March 2023, the Federal Council granted the three cantons the basic license to use Swiss Post’s e-voting system. At the same time, the state government had approved the system for electronic voting developed by the post office.

On the last voting weekend, 16% of those eligible to vote in the three cantons used this option. According to the Post on Monday, there were no irregularities. The votes could be cast for about a month.

The Swiss Post developed the e-voting system for Switzerland (Keystone SDA).
No attempted attacks

According to Swiss Post, there were no attempts to attack the e-voting platform. The e-voting system was also spared from DDoS attacks, which took place in the past few days on the federal administration, among other things.

Swiss Post wants to carry out another intrusion test of the e-voting system in July. Ethical hackers can attack the system and look for weaknesses in the infrastructure. The system should also be available for the federal elections in autumn.

“Baptism of the fire passed,” reported the Organization of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) on Monday. Swiss people living abroad are among those most interested in e-voting. The OSA wants to ensure that as many Swiss abroad as possible can vote electronically in the autumn.

More participation abroad

E-voting was not available in the 2019 national election after trials revealed security issues. This has shown that without the possibility of electronic voting, the turnout in the “Fifth Switzerland” is much lower, wrote the OSA.

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