Bönigen erhält Entwässerungstunnel für 40 Millionen Schweizer Franken

Published: Friday, Jul 14th 2023, 21:40

Aktualisiert am: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 14:12

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The village of Brienz in the Swiss canton of Graubünden is set to receive a nearly 40 million Swiss francs drainage tunnel to slow down the village's slide into the valley. The Gemeindeversammlung Albula/Alvra approved the credit of 39.8 million francs without any opposition. The village of 1300 inhabitants will not have to bear the entire cost as the Gemeindevorstand expects contributions from the Swiss federal government and canton to cover 90% of the total cost. The village has been in the news recently due to the risk of a mountain slide that could have buried it. What is less known is that the village itself is built on unstable rock and is slowly sliding down the valley. A 3 square kilometer area is shifting more than a meter each year, and experts believe that increased water pressure in the ground is the main cause of the movement. The drainage tunnel is expected to reduce this pressure and slow down the village's slide. A 635 meter long exploratory tunnel has already been built and the sliding movement over it has been halved. The approved drainage tunnel is a 1.65 kilometer extension of the exploratory tunnel, creating a total of 2.28 kilometers of drainage work with over 100 drainage boreholes. The tunnel will be 5 meters high and can be accessed by trucks. The construction of the tunnel and drainage is expected to take 42 months, with the earliest possible start in March 2024.


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