Art Thief Gave Back The Paintings? Zurich Investigation Ongoing

Art Thief Gave Back The Paintings? Zurich Investigation Ongoing

Mo, Mai 27th 2024

Two paintings reappeared at the Zurich Kunsthaus after a year. The whereabouts during this period remain unknown as investigations into the art theft continue.

KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler

After a year-long disappearance, two paintings at the Zurich Kunsthaus have reappeared, though their whereabouts during the interim remain a mystery. The Zurich public prosecutor’s office continues to investigate the suspected art theft.

Despite the return of the artworks, the investigation is ongoing. For tactical reasons, the public prosecutor’s office has refrained from making additional statements. It is unclear if any suspects have been apprehended.

The paintings vanished in early 2023, prompting internal searches that proved fruitless. The Kunsthaus then alerted the police, suspecting theft. With no progress in the investigation, a reward of up to CHF 10,000 was offered in June 2023 for information leading to the recovery of the artworks.

The disappearance occurred during a turbulent period for the Kunsthaus. In August 2022, a fire necessitated the temporary storage of approximately 700 paintings, including the two that went missing.

The returned paintings are small-format works: “Soldiers in Camp” by Robert van den Hoecke, painted in the mid-17th century, and Dirck de Bray’s “Daffodils and other flowers in a glass vase on a marble slab” from 1673.

The Zurich Kunsthaus announced plans to exhibit the returned private permanent loans as soon as possible.

© Keystone/SDA

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