
Werner Luginbühl
Werner Luginbühl warnt vor Stromversorgungsproblemen im nächsten Jahr
Werner Luginbühls mahnende Worte zur Winterstromversorgung der Schweiz Werner Luginbühl, Präsident der Eidgenössischen Elektrizitätskommission (Elcom), hat eine warnende Erklärung zur Stromversorgung im kommenden Winter abgegeben.
3000 people at Palestine rally in Basel
Over 3,000 Gather in Basel for Pro-Palestinian Rally, Advocating for Ceasefire and Action Around 3000 people gathered on Theaterplatz in Basel on Saturday afternoon for the second national pro-Palestinian rally.
Over one million asylum applications in EU+ last year
Over a Million Asylum Applications in EU+ in 2023, with Germany Leading as Top Destination According to a media report, the number of asylum applications in the European Union plus Norway and Switzerland - referred to as EU+ - broke through the million mark in 2023 for the first time since 2016.
Key Highlights from WEF 2024 in Davos
Navigating Global Challenges: Insights from the World Economic Forum 2024 War The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, possible new pandemics, climate change, and cyberattacks: At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos GR, 2,800 guests from politics, business, and society will be discussing current challenges from Monday.
Zurich Film Festival
Zurich Film Festival’s New Manager from Disney
Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) gain Hollywood Expertise Zurich Film Festival Welcomes Roger Crotti ZFF, a beacon of cinematic excellence, is set to embark on a new chapter.
Starbucks in der Schweiz: 30 neue Standorte bis 2024
Starbucks' Schweizer Expansion: Neue Erlebnisse im ganzen Land schaffen Während der Preis von Starbucks in der Schweiz mit rund $10 pro Getränk recht hoch ist.
police basel
Basler Polizeistreife wird am Neujahrsmorgen bedroht
Die Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt zeigt sich besorgt über einen Vorfall, der sich in den frühen Morgenstunden des neuen Jahres ereignet hat.
Exploring the Enchanting Christmas Markets of Switzerland
As the festive season approaches, Switzerland eagerly prepares to transform its towns and cities into enchanting wonderlands adorned with twinkling lights, aromatic spices, and jovial spirit.
“Rendez-vous Bundesplatz” attracts around 385,000 visitors
The "Mystic" program at the 13th edition of "Rendez-vous Bundesplatz" attracted around 385,000 visitors.
Montreux Jazz Festival 2024 neu im Herzen der Stadt verankert
The Montreux Jazz Festival (MJF) has to reinvent itself for its 2024 edition. Because the congress center is being renovated, there will be a stage on the lake for the 58th edition.
Exploring the Charm of the Traditional Swiss Onion Market
Nestled within the heart of Switzerland lies a cherished tradition that has stood the test of time—the Swiss Onion Market, or Zibelemärit.

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