
One with nature: Swiss naked hiking
While nudity is somewhat acceptable in Switzerland and actually encouraged when it comes to saunas, naked hiking remains taboo — but not illegal.
Inside the Swiss healthcare crisis
Staff shortages and physician burnout. Medication supplies dwindling and emergency departments shutting down.
What’s in the water: A guide to Swiss thermal baths
We all know taking a long soak feels good, but is there any proof that these natural thermal spas do anything for our health? Here’s what the experts – and the Romans – have to say.
Wie die Schweizer den Winterblues besiegen
Während die Dänen es sich mit Kerzen und Decken drinnen gemütlich machen, gehen die Schweizer lieber nach draußen, wenn es darum geht, die saisonale Winterdepression zu bekämpfen.
OECD: Swiss baby boys live the longest
Swiss boys born in 2021 are expected to live, on average, longer than their male counterparts around the world.
Christoph Berger has declared that the Covid vaxxes can cause serious damage, which contradicts his earlier position when he advocated for everyone to be vaccinated, even pregnant women.
Health officials: You probably don’t need the Covid vax
A local newspaper this week ran a Q&A with Dr. Christoph Berger, the President of Switzerland’s Vaccination Commission.
Will ‘going dry’ be the biggest health trend of 2023?
People have had more time to amend their relationships with alcohol in the past two years – either consuming more “quarantinis” to get through lockdown or cutting back in the name of health (originally published Jan.
Report: Swiss President’s office made illegal leaks to the press
Swiss President Alain Berset's office has been accused of making illegal leaks of confidential information regarding Covid-19 pandemic measures to the Swiss media.
Den Sprung ins kalte Wasser wagen: Ist kaltes Wasser ein Allheilmittel?
Research shows that cold water immersion can boost immunity, energy and one’s mood.
Zurich: At the heart of the plant-based movement
It’s home to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world – and now Zurich is once again making waves in Switzerland’s plant-based food scene.
Switzerland orders, destroys Covid vaccines
Switzerland has already destroyed millions of surplus Covid vaccines in the last few months, but the country is still ordering more for 2023.
Swiss adolescents most affected by Covid stress
Swiss teens and children may be bearing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic stress when it comes to mental health, according to a new report.
Strafanzeige gegen den künftigen Bundespräsidenten der Schweiz
Switzerland's future President Alain Berset falsely claimed on national television that those vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccines could not spread the virus, but has not yet been held accountable.
Covid vaccines: Did Swiss media promise too much?
Writing in local newspaper NZZ this week, Nicola von Lutterotti explores how the euphoria surrounding Covid-19 vaccinations may have clouded the critical view -- European media, politicians and scientists promised too much when it came to what the vaccines could do.
Das A bis Z der Schweizer Krankenversicherung
Heute läuft der einmonatige Countdown, bis die Schweizer Bürgerinnen und Bürger für ein Jahr in ihren aktuellen Krankenversicherungsplänen eingeschlossen sind - einige der besten, aber auch teuersten Pläne der Welt.
Schweiz legalisiert medizinisches Cannabis
Schweizer Patienten können ab nächster Woche Cannabis mit einem Rezept legal konsumieren, wie die Schweizer Regierung mitteilte.
LSD und Zauberpilze: Die psychedelische Therapie in der Schweiz
Da Studien weiterhin die Vorteile der psychedelisch unterstützten Therapie hervorheben, könnten Schweizer Patienten wieder Zugang zu LSD haben, um Störungen wie Depressionen zu behandeln.
Die Schweiz vernichtet Covid-Impfstoffe
Roche veröffentlicht Affenpocken-Tests, Russen machen immer noch Ferien in der Schweiz und mehr in unserer Zusammenfassung der Schweizer Nachrichten vom 24. bis 27. Mai.

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