
Schweizer Unternehmen kauft russische Bank
Warum Schweizerinnen und Schweizer mieten statt besitzen, wie die Pro-Life-Bewegung in der Schweiz auf dem Vormarsch ist und mehr in unserer Zusammenfassung der Schweizer Nachrichten vom 2. bis 6. September.
Can Switzerland avoid blackouts this winter?
Patrons of the hip bars lining Geneva’s Rue du Lac paused in conversation Friday night as bright storefronts flickered off at 9 p.
Credit Suisse to cut thousands of jobs
The Swiss are not worried about Covid anymore, Swiss inflation hits record highs, and more in our roundup of news from August 30 - September 2.
Pussy Riot arrested in Switzerland
The national alpine wrestling festival ends, how a Swiss village became overrun with tourists and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 26 - 31.
Stop blackouts with nuclear power, Swiss politicians say
A group of Swiss politicians announced this week that they will petition the government from closing nuclear reactors – a move they say that will help Switzerland avoid energy outages in the future.
Schweizer Fußballfans greifen Brüsseler Restaurant an
Novartis beginnt mit einem massiven Stellenabbau in Zürich, ein Verdächtiger steht wegen eines Terroranschlags in der Schweiz vor Gericht und mehr in unserer Zusammenfassung der Schweizer Nachrichten vom 22. bis 26. August.
Will Switzerland buy American fighter jets?
Swiss voters will ultimately decide whether or not the country moves forward with its proposed purchase of 36 fighter jets from the U.
Die Bevölkerung wird rebellieren", sagt der Schweizer Polizeichef angesichts der drohenden Energiekrise
Während sich die meisten in der Schweiz auf die Heizungskrise in diesem Winter konzentrieren, sagt ein Polizeichef, dass mögliche Stromausfälle die Sicherheit gefährden könnten und Wohnungen, Krankenhäuser und Finanzinstitute anfällig für Personen sind, die die Situation ausnutzen wollen.
Swiss hospitals facing a drug shortage
How Switzerland will survive a tough winter, cannabis trials will launch and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 15 -22.
Switzerland: Land of flying cows?
Swiss employee unions demand high salaries, teacher shortages on the rise, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 12 – 16.
How will Swiss farmers protect cows from hungry wolves?
A celebration of Swiss trains, diptheria returns to Switzerland, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 9 - 12.
Switzerland to broker deal in Russia
Switzerland will represent Ukrainian interests in talks with Russia, Swiss foreign ministry officials announced Wednesday.
Wie schmelzende Gletscher Schweizer Geheimnisse verraten
Zwei französische Wanderer entdeckten diese Woche bei der Besteigung des Chessjen-Gletschers im Kanton Wallis menschliche Überreste, berichtet die örtliche Polizei.
Switzerland an ‘island’ in sea of inflation
Mountain fatalities on the rise, the new process to change gender, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 5 - 9.
Switzerland should ‘marry’ the EU, Swiss minister says
Switzerland should enter into a “marriage of convenience” with the European Union, Switzerland’s Energy Minister Simonetta Sommaruga said Saturday night at the Locarno Film Festival.
Swiss cheesemakers locked in legal battles
How Swiss banks are responding to global inflation, arrests made over fireworks ban, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from August 1 - 5.
Switzerland bans all Russian gold
Switzerland has banned all imports of Russian gold as part of a new set of sanctions against the country, the economics minister announced yesterday.
Switzerland tightens rules around assisted suicide
Why Swiss borders may be changing, how Swiss National Day will look different in 2022, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 25 - 29.

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