Chemical Company Incident in Bubendorf BL

Chemical Company Incident in Bubendorf BL

Mo, Mai 27th 2024

A burst pipe in a Bubendorf BL chemical company led to ten injuries and property damage, prompting a thorough investigation by Basel-Landschaft police.

KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer

A chemical company in Bubendorf BL experienced an incident on Monday afternoon that resulted in ten people sustaining minor injuries. The Basel-Landschaft police reported that a plastic pipe burst on the fourth floor of a production building under construction.

The incident happened shortly before 2:30 p.m. The building, which was not operational, was fully evacuated. Paramedics assessed the ten slightly injured individuals on-site and transported them to the hospital for further examination.

Property damage occurred due to the burst pipe, and the building suffered structural impacts. Specialists from the Basel-Landschaft police are conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the incident.

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