Di., Mai 21st 2024
The National Commission for the Prevention of Torture urges closing Jura prison due to inhumane and degrading conditions.
The National Commission for the Prevention of Torture (NCPT) recommends closing the Jura prison in Pruntrut, describing the conditions as inhumane and degrading under the European Convention on Human Rights.
In a statement on Tuesday, the Commission criticized Jura authorities for not taking the situation seriously.
The NCPT highlighted the lack of access to the outside, poor ventilation, and insufficient daylight in cells. These conditions violate Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Inmates have no access to the outside throughout their detention, breaching cantonal and international standards.
During an August 2023 visit, the NCPT noted some improvements since its 2014 recommendations but deemed them insufficient. Concerns were shared with Nathalie Barthoulot, the Jura government councillor, in February.
Housed in a wing of Pruntrut Castle, the prison is part of a listed building. The NCPT suggests building a new facility.
The Jura prison system often faces scrutiny in parliament. Authorities agree on the need for a new building, acknowledging that current prisons cannot operate long-term.
Prisons in Pruntrut and Delsberg offer about 30 places, with some prisoners housed outside the canton.