Donations for Ukraine lead to new record

Donations for Ukraine lead to new record

Mi, Okt 18th 2023

In 2022, more money than ever before was donated in Switzerland, at 2.5 billion Swiss francs. Donations to Ukraine in particular led to this record, according to the Zewo organisation.

Photo by Mathias Reding

For the third time in a row, more than 2 billion Swiss francs have been donated in Switzerland, according to the donation report published on Monday by Swissfundraising and the Zewo Foundation.

Ukraine donations contributed a large part to last year’s record donation result with around 418 million francs. Without the Ukraine donations, the growth in donations in Switzerland in 2022 would still be around 2 percent.

Donations for international aid abroad grew by 30 per cent, while donations for social welfare and health at home stagnated, according to the report.

Digital donations popular

Digital donations are popular, especially via the payment app Twint. Since 2019, the amounts transferred via digital payment methods have risen from 22 million francs to 117 million francs. This means that the transaction volume has increased fivefold within four years.

According to the 2022 report, donations from private households exceeded the long-term linear growth trend even more significantly than Corona donations in the two previous years. In German-speaking Switzerland, for example, 7 out of 10 donor francs came from private households, in French-speaking Switzerland it was 6 out of 10 francs.

Of the 2.5 billion francs in donations received by aid organisations in 2022, 1.51 billion went to relief organisations with the Zewo seal of approval, the report added. Of the 50 largest aid organisations collecting donations in 2022, 35 bear the Zewo seal of approval.

The Zewo Foundation is the Swiss certification body for non-profit fundraising organisations. Swissfundraising is the professional organisation for fundraisers in Switzerland.


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