Firefighter Arrested for Arson in Zurich

Firefighter Arrested for Arson in Zurich

Sa, Jun 1st 2024

Zurich police have detained a young firefighter suspected of starting multiple fires in Bonstetten, alongside two other individuals.

KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza

The Zurich Cantonal Police have arrested a young firefighter on suspicion of arson in Bonstetten ZH. The firefighter, along with two other suspects, is said to have set around a dozen fires. The commander of the local fire department confirmed to “Tele Züri” that a fire department member is among those arrested. This firefighter was involved in several operations where the fire department had to extinguish the very fires he is accused of starting.

The suspects, aged between 17 and 19, were arrested on Wednesday. The cantonal police have yet to determine the individual responsibility for each fire. The most recent fire occurred on Tuesday. The arrested men are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In a related incident, a series of fires in Elgg during March and April caused fear among the population. Despite investigations, the police have not arrested any suspects connected to those fires. Since the end of April, there have been no further fires in the small town near Winterthur.

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