Majority of Swiss People Oppose A Third Gender

Majority of Swiss People Oppose A Third Gender

Mo., Juni 17th 2024

Six out of ten Swiss citizens remain against recognizing a third gender in official documents, with notable differences in opinion across genders and political affiliations.

KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza

Six out of ten Swiss people oppose a third gender in official documents. This opinion has remained largely unchanged over the past year. The rejection is stronger among men compared to women.

According to a survey by the Leewas Institute for “20 Minuten” and Tamedia, 43% of women support a “diverse” gender entry, similar to the system in Germany. In contrast, only 35% of men support this change.

Overall, 57% of the population rejects the idea of a “diverse” gender entry. This is a slight decrease from last year, when the rejection rate was 62%.

Political affiliations also play a significant role in opinions on this matter. The SVP shows the least support, with only 16% in favor of a third gender. Meanwhile, 67% of SP members, 64% of Greens, and 58% of GLP members are open to the idea. The FDP and Center Party show moderate support, with 39% and 37% approval, respectively, close to the national average.

Geographical differences are minimal. Urban, agglomeration, and rural areas show similar approval rates, with cities at 36%, just one percentage point lower than other areas.

Age also influences opinions. Rejection is highest among 35 to 49-year-olds at 59%, followed by those aged 18 to 34 at 58%. The 50 to 64-year-olds are slightly more open-minded, with a 56% rejection rate.

Educational background impacts views on the third gender. Academics are the most supportive, with 52% in favor. Conversely, 61% of individuals with compulsory education or vocational training oppose the “diverse” entry.

The survey, conducted online from June 6 to 9, included 12,444 participants from across Switzerland. The margin of error is 2.2 percentage points.


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