Material Fault Causes Power Outage in Bern Area

Material Fault Causes Power Outage in Bern Area

Mo., Juni 17th 2024

A faulty surge arrester caused a widespread power outage affecting 19,000 households in Bern and surrounding areas on Sunday morning.

KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer

A material fault caused the widespread power outage on Sunday morning in the Bern area and parts of the city of Bern. This was announced by the Bernese energy and infrastructure company BKW on Monday.

According to the press release, a faulty surge arrester was at the origin of the grid disruption, which affected around 19,000 households. This occurred in the municipalities of Bolligen, Wohlen bei Bern, Münchenbuchsee, Kirchlindach, Ittigen, Zollikofen, Ostermundigen and Bremgarten bei Bern.

The power outage began at 09:54 on Sunday morning and lasted until 11 a.m. in the BKW grid area. As some of the affected lines belong to the Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) grid area, parts of the city of Bern were also temporarily without power. According to the press release, BKW and ewb worked together to rectify the power outage.

According to an ewb spokesperson on Sunday, the northern districts of the city of Bern were particularly affected. On Sunday, ewb and BKW were not yet able to make any statements about the reasons for the disruption.


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