One in five young people wants a strong leader

One in five young people wants a strong leader

Mo, Sep 25th 2023

A single strong leader is good for Switzerland: one in five adolescents and young adults agree. 


More than one in four people are in favor of the fact that only a few people are in power and the people have nothing to say. 31 percent don’t care whether you live in a democracy as long as people are doing well.

These are the conclusions reached by a survey conducted by the research institute gfs.bern on behalf of the umbrella organization of Swiss Youth Parliaments (DSJ). Over 1,000 15 to 25 year olds were surveyed. The “NZZ am Sonntag” reported on the study. 

Even if democratic values ​​do not seem set in stone, for 63 percent democracy still offers the best opportunities for participation in society. 59 percent see it as a prerequisite for a just and fair life. They consider 53 to be essential for a good life.

The statement that the question of democracy is irrelevant if living conditions are good is put into perspective when asked about the form of government desired for one’s own existence. Only 13 percent actually don’t care whether they live in a democracy or not.

The decisive factors for choosing a party among 15 to 25 year olds are the position on issues (26%), trustworthiness (19%) and the party program (12%). The young people do not believe that the FDP has the highest economic competence in economic issues, but rather the SVP.

On migration and asylum issues, the SVP and SP are close to each other, with a slight advantage for the SVP. When it comes to security, the SVP is at the top. In terms of environmental policy, the Greens and Green Liberals take the trophy. When it comes to energy policy, no party does better than another.

The survey, which has been carried out since 2014, previously included secondary school students and was called Easyvote-Monitor. Your new name is DSJ Youth and Political Monitor.


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