Do., Mai 30th 2024
Parliament grants SBB CHF 1.15 billion subsidy to reduce debt. The capital subsidy aims to mitigate the financial impact of the pandemic on SBB.
Parliament has granted SBB a one-off capital subsidy of CHF 1.15 billion to reduce its debt. After approval by the National Council, the Council of States also passed the bill on Thursday.
A motion to cut the amount to CHF 600 million was narrowly defeated. By 21 votes to 20, with no abstentions, the small chamber followed its transport committee’s majority. This decision was against the wishes of the minority from the SVP and FDP in the Council of States’ Committee for Transport and Telecommunications (KVF-D). A slim majority in the Council of States Finance Committee also supported the reduction.
According to the Federal Council, the subsidy will help SBB cope with income loss during the coronavirus pandemic. The committee minority argued that SBB’s financial situation had already improved significantly.
Due to a disagreement on another point, the matter will return to the National Council.
© Keystone/SDA