According to the head of the army, the liquidity bottlenecks are “no drama”

Published: Thursday, Feb 1st 2024, 17:10

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Chief of the Armed Forces Thomas Süssli is relaxed about the liquidity bottlenecks in the army. "It's not a drama for us." Liquidity management is difficult, but it is a problem that can be solved.

"No mistakes were made," Süssli told the media in Bern on Thursday. "I am convinced that our specialists did what was necessary." In addition, the army had communicated transparently at all times, both to the parliamentary committees and to the Minister of Defense Viola Amherd.

The situation is due to political decisions that he does not wish to comment on, Süssli continued. "The army is subject to the primacy of politics." The army leadership always analyzes the financial situation and has therefore decided, for example, to cancel planned major events due to the tight budget and financial situation.

"The army must have the means to be ready," said Süssli. He could not yet say what this would mean for future armaments programs. In spring, the Federal Council will first present the "capability-based" 2024 Armed Forces Dispatch with a twelve-year plan. Ultimately, Parliament will have to decide on future army procurements.


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