Federal Council waives free cable car subscription

Published: Wednesday, Mar 27th 2024, 19:10

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The Federal Council will waive Swiss Cableways season tickets from 2025. He had them invoiced to him as early as 2024. It had received them free of charge until the end of 2023. However, it is retaining the free 1st class SBB general travelcard.

The Federal Councillors had received a free annual pass from Cableways Switzerland until 2023. As the national government announced on Wednesday, the cable car association also gave the season tickets to cantonal and communal authorities.

In connection with investigations into the granting of benefits in individual cantons, Seilbahnen Schweiz asked the Federal Council in September 2023 to confirm that this practice was permitted under civil service law. However, the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) came to the conclusion that the permanent free pass could possibly violate the ban on accepting benefits.

The Federal Council therefore decided to pay for the cable car season tickets in 2024. In a reassessment on Wednesday, it decided to waive the purchase of season tickets for its members, the Federal Chancellor and partners from 2025.

Hardly in the theater

The Federal Council is also giving up its theater box in the Stadttheater Bern at the end of the year. It justified the move by saying that the national government had hardly been to the theater anyway.

However, the Federal Councillor continues to use the SBB 1st class GA travelcards for himself and other members of the Federal Council and his partners. These are made available to him by the railroad company because they are necessary for the performance of his duties.

However, in order to legally regulate the acceptance of services from third parties, the organizational ordinance for the Federal Council creates a special permission under service law.

Former Federal Councillors will also continue to receive the SBB 1st class GA travelcard free of charge because they occasionally represent members of the national government as part of their delegation duties. This includes their partners.


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