Fighting Elections for Both Chambers Create Excitement in Glarus

Published: Thursday, Sep 14th 2023, 08:40

Aktualisiert am: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023, 14:12

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The Swiss elections in the fall are some of the most exciting in decades in the Glarnerland region. Two of the three Glarner Federal Council seats are up for grabs. Both the Council of States and the National Council will have a competitive election. After the resignation of National Councilor Martin Landolt (center) and Council of States Thomas Hefti (FDP), only one of the three incumbents, Council of States Mathias Zopfi (Green), will be running again. The current Glarner Landammann Benjamin Mühlemann (FDP) and Landrat Peter Rothlin (SVP) are both vying for a seat in the small chamber. The SVP is aiming to regain Zopfi's seat, which the Greens surprisingly took from the People's Party in 2019. This will be a difficult task, as Zopfi has a incumbency bonus and a solid record from Bern. For the single Glarnerland seat in the National Council, the SVP is fielding Landrat Markus Schnyder. He is up against Mitte-Landrätin and Glarus Gemeinderätin Andrea Trummer, and SP-Fraktionspräsidentin Sabine Steinmann. This race is wide open, as all three candidates have similar levels of recognition and potential. If either Trummer or Steinmann are elected, they will be the first Glarner woman to enter the Federal Council. Parteilose Jürg Rückmar has also announced his candidacy, but his chances are slim.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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