International World Water Library to be built in Reichenau GR

Published: Thursday, Mar 21st 2024, 13:20

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Long-distance swimmer and water ambassador Ernst Bromeis launched the first World Water Library at Reichenau Castle in Graubünden on Thursday. At the place where the Hinterrhein and Vorderrhein rivers meet, he wants to offer water a home port and use it to tackle the world's problems.

The library is to grow at this symbolic location, Bromeis told the media on Thursday at Reichenau Castle in Reichenau GR. Information on the topic of water from all over the world is to be collected here and made accessible to the public. In addition to books, art, music, digital information carriers and water samples, the site is primarily intended to provide a meeting place where solutions to water-related problems can be developed.

The fact that water is part of global conflicts is worrying, said Daniel Maselli, policy advisor for water issues at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). He cited the Middle East conflict and the war in Ukraine, for example. In both regions, people quickly ran out of drinking water.

He hopes that the library will contribute to the solution. The SDC therefore made a financial contribution of 150,000 francs. However, the largest donor is the canton of Graubünden, according to Bromeis. He did not give any figures. The success of the World Water Library cannot be expressed in terms of visitor numbers or profit. Those responsible are primarily aiming for publicity.

Next week, a class from the cantonal school in Chur will start the dialog in the library. Bromeis hopes that this will lead to collaborations with international schools and organizations. "It has to happen quickly," says Maselli.


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