Reducing CO2 emissions in Germany remains controversial

Published: Monday, Mar 4th 2024, 17:50

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Parliament is still debating how many CO2 emissions Switzerland needs to reduce with domestic measures. However, the National Council took a few steps towards the Council of States when discussing the CO2 Act for the period from 2025 on Monday.

Previously, he wanted to achieve 75% of the reduction target with domestic measures and 25% with projects abroad. However, it has now lowered the domestic share to 70% as a compromise. The Council rejected the proposal of a red-green minority to remain at 75% by 129 votes to 63.

The Council of States has so far not wanted a fixed quota. It wants to achieve the reduction target "primarily" in Switzerland. It wants to give the Federal Council the authority to set a figure. In the National Council, the SVP and FDP argued for more flexibility and the path taken by the Council of States, but were defeated by 92 votes to 100.

The chambers are also not yet in agreement on how to reduce the CO2 limits for passenger cars in 2030: the National Council insists on annual interim targets by 96 votes to 95, with one abstention. The Council of States does not want such interim targets in the law.

Controversial promotion of charging stations

To promote basic installations for charging stations for electric cars, the National Council wants to make CHF 20 million available annually for installations in multi-party buildings and companies with several workplaces. However, contrary to its earlier decision, it no longer wants to make any contributions for public parking spaces, also as a compromise. The Council of States is against this funding pot.

An agreement was reached on the reimbursement of mineral oil tax for licensed bus companies. In local transport, companies will have to pay the tax from 2026. In rural areas, this will only apply from 2030, unless buses with alternative drive systems cannot be used for topographical reasons.

The National Council has also resolved the difference in the reduction of the heavy vehicle charge (HVC) and agreed with the Council of States. It decided to stick with the current law. This will apply until the revised HVF law comes into force.


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