Schweizer Gasabkommen mit Italien bis 2024 angestrebt

Schweizer Gasabkommen mit Italien bis 2024 angestrebt

Di., Jan. 16th 2024

Mehr Solidarität im Energiebereich: Die Schweiz, Deutschland und Italien schmieden ein kritisches Gasabkommen inmitten der europäischen Energieherausforderungen.

Swiss Gas Agreement

Energy Minister Albert Rösti wants to move forward with a Swiss gas agreement between Germany, Switzerland and Italy to secure gas supplies during times of emergency. This trilateral agreement should be completed by the end of 2024.

Rösti said after a meeting between economics Minister Guy Parmelin and German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck: “The text is ready.” Details still need to be clarified, said Röst. Even if the energy situation in Europe has improved compared to last year after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, such an agreement would “make sense” in an emergency. Such an agreement would be a “win-win situation”.

Switzerland does not have its own gas storage facilities. It is dependent on neighbouring countries. Without a contract, there is a risk gas supplies could be reduced to Switzerland in the event of a shortage.

German & Swiss Solidarity

The three ministers already met in the same composition last year on this topic, also at the WEF. At the time, Germany stated that a solidarity agreement between Germany and Switzerland could only be reached together with Italy.

Switzerland’s most important gas pipeline, Transitgas, connects the Swiss gas network with that of Germany, France and Italy.

Hospitals and households could be supplied with a stable supply of gas even in acute crises. The Swiss gas agreement should regulate processes and mutual obligations regarding deliveries. Germany already has several such agreements with EU countries.

The topic has recently lost some of its explosiveness. According to Rösti, the three ministers concluded that the energy supply situation in Europe was significantly better this winter than in the previous year following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

Habeck supports Swiss Gas Agreement

Rösti also expressed his interest in a hydrogen transit pipeline through Switzerland to Habeck. The cantons had previously called on the Federal Council to connect Switzerland to the European hydrogen transport network. For them, it is crucial that Switzerland gains access to the European hydrogen market.

In addition to the energy issue, the Federal Councillors discussed the draft negotiating mandate with the EU with the German Minister for Economic Affairs. Habeck “told us that he would support the Swiss approach”, says Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin.


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