Das Argument für ein nationales Waffenregister in der Schweiz

Das Argument für ein nationales Waffenregister in der Schweiz

Mi., Juni 21st 2023

The Swiss federal government’s Weapons Commission is seeking to create a database that would account for all firearms in Switzerland. Historically the nation has had a high percentage of firearms in its population.
Grenadier recruits during an exercise with the Swiss Armed Forces in canton of Ticino (Keystone SDA).

(Keystone SDA) The federal government should record all firearms in the country in a central database, according to a narrow majority of the National Council’s Weapons Commission. The register would be intended to increase security.

The Security Policy Commission of the National Council approved the weapons register in a 13 to 11 vote this week. The initiative was proposed by the Green Party’s Marionna Schlatter.

The majority argues that without a central weapons register, it is not possible to precisely quantify how many weapons are in private homes. According to the statement from Swiss Parliament on Tuesday, the database would create more security, especially for police officers. The improved information should make it easier to fight crime.

Die Schweiz: So viele Waffen, so wenig Gewalt

On the other hand, a large minority of the commission believes that the existing network of cantonal weapons registers is sufficient. A central database would run counter to federalism, because enforcement of the weapons law (which was only tightened in 2019) and police sovereignty would be the responsibility of the cantons.

The Council of States will soon decide on the fate of the initiative. If it is approved, the National Council Commission will draw up a legislative proposal.

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