Fr., Dez. 23rd 2022
As the year comes to a close, the team at Die Schweizer Zeit reviews 2022 and the stories that interested our readers the most.
The year 2022 was one for the books.
Mere days after Switzerland seemed to return to normalcy by dropping all Covid-related mandates, the world turned upside down again when Russia invaded Ukraine. And through the successive months of uncertainty — a looming European energy crisis and the threat of nuclear war — the question being discussed around most Swiss dinner tables is the definition of neutrality and if the nation is adhering to it. While 2022 may end without answers, we want our Swiss Times readers to find hope in 2023. And in the present, we wish you Happy Holidays.
Some of the top Swiss Times articles from 2022 included:
Inmitten des Krieges wird die Schweiz zur Definition der Neutralität gedrängt
After Switzerland banned an export of ammunition to help Ukraine’s war efforts, politicians are calling for the famously neutral country to redefine how far neutrality extends. And some are even saying that the Swiss people should make the decision via a public vote.
Strafanzeige gegen den künftigen Bundespräsidenten der Schweiz
Switzerland’s future President Alain Berset falsely claimed on national television that those vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccines could not spread the virus, but has not yet been held accountable. One man wants to change that.
LSD und Zauberpilze: Die psychedelische Therapie in der Schweiz
As studies continue to tout the benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy, Swiss patients may have access again to LSD to treat disorders such as depression. The move is actually not so progressive considering that LSD was first synthesized in Switzerland more than 80 years ago, but has been held in bureaucratic purgatory for decades.
Rückverfolgung von Nazi-Gold durch die Schweiz
When a mysterious shipment of $200 million in Russian gold showed up in Switzerland this spring –months after the country announced it would impose tough sanctions of Russia for invading Ukraine — Swiss gold refineries were quick to play the “not it” game. The public has a hard time believing their innocence, because something about it feels familiar.
Kindergarteners walk to school alone, use knives and cook over open flames. Are Swiss children being given too much freedom or are the rest of us holding on too tightly?
Switzerland’s looming energy crisis pulling nation apart
Citizens are in the street protesting new energy measures, Swiss Parliament has screeched to halt over proposed changes to Energy Act 2050, and the Energy Minister is under fire for suggesting Swiss residents “shower together” to save energy. Will Switzerland band together amidst a looming crisis or will it fall apart?
The Swiss company at the center of a drug trafficking storm
Swiss shipping company MSC it is a victim of drug trafficking and not a co-conspirator. A new, bombshell report argues otherwise.
Bunker down: Why Switzerland is prepared for the big one
A nuclear fallout shelter for all 9 million residents of Switzerland? Why the country has been preparing for nuclear war for decades and what residents are expected to do in the event of one.
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