The Ticino Chamber of Commerce Calls for a Gotthard Crisis Task Force

Published: Monday, Sep 11th 2023, 16:01

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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The Director of the Ticino Chamber of Commerce, Luca Albertoni, is concerned about the closure of the Gotthard motorway tunnel. He has called on the federal and cantonal governments to set up a "Gotthard Crisis Staff" in case of further incidents. The simultaneous restriction of rail traffic in the Gotthard Base Tunnel has made the situation particularly difficult. Previous closures of the Gotthard motorway tunnel, especially in 2001, have shown the enormous economic impact of such a measure. The Ticino Chamber of Commerce is calling for the establishment of a Gotthard Crisis Staff in view of further incidents. Ticino's President Raffaele De Rosa is also concerned about the temporary closure of the Gotthard motorway tunnel. He said that the accident in the Gotthard road tunnel and the derailment in the Base Tunnel showed how fragile the connections across the Alpine arc are. The Ticino Free Democratic Party has called for the completion of the Alpine Transit Network south of Lugano, citing the accident in the Gotthard Base Tunnel as having put the canton to a hard test. They also criticised the new Transport Minister Albert Rösti for focusing on investments in the Lötschberg Tunnel while neglecting projects such as the bypass of Bellinzona and Biasca and the completion of the Alpine Transit Network in southern Ticino.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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