People with Disabilities Socially Excluded Strongly

Published: Tuesday, Sep 19th 2023, 16:40

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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The first Swiss Inclusion Index by Pro Infirmis has revealed that four out of five people with disabilities feel strongly excluded from society, particularly in politics, work and mobility. The UN has already noted that Switzerland has a lot of catching up to do in terms of inclusion, but this is the first representative survey of people with disabilities to assess the situation. The survey found that three quarters of respondents felt insufficiently represented and taken into account in politics, while half saw little chance of finding work due to employers’ reluctance to hire people with disabilities and a lack of suitable jobs. A third of respondents also had difficulty using public transport due to physical barriers such as high or low platforms or stops. Pro Infirmis believes that the 20% of the Swiss population living with disabilities should not be excluded any longer and that the whole society must work together to remove barriers. To give visibility to candidates with disabilities in the upcoming federal elections on October 22nd, Pro Infirmis has created a list of disabled candidates.


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