What to consider when changing cash registers

Published: Tuesday, Sep 26th 2023, 03:39

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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Changing health insurance can be a great way to save money on premiums. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) recommends that individuals who wish to switch health insurance do so by the 30th of November. It is recommended that individuals submit their cancellation in writing, either by registered mail or A-Post Plus, to ensure proof of sending. The BAG also suggests that individuals submit their cancellation at least two weeks before the deadline and simultaneously register with a new health insurance provider. It is not necessary to obtain an offer from the new provider before switching. The membership with the previous provider will only end when the new provider informs them that the individual is insured without interruption of coverage. However, individuals cannot switch if they have unpaid debts. The BAG also offers a premium calculator (https://www.priminfo.ch) to help individuals compare different insurance offers and premiums and calculate the savings that can be made by switching. The website also provides sample letters for cancelling the basic insurance and registering with a new health insurance provider.


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