SVP rejects 13th AHV pension and Greens vote Yes

Published: Saturday, Jan 27th 2024, 17:30

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Two party presidents said goodbye to their delegates in Central Switzerland on Saturday: SVP President Marco Chiesa at his party's delegates' meeting in Bürglen UR and Green Party President Balthasar Glättli in Lucerne.

The slogans for the federal vote on March 3 were also adopted at both meetings. The Greens voted unanimously in favor of the initiative for a 13th AHV pension. They also unanimously rejected the pension initiative. The SVP rejected a 13th AHV pension. It voted in favor of the pension initiative.

The so-called pension initiative calls for the retirement age to be raised to 66 by 2033 and then for the retirement age to be linked to average life expectancy. The trade union initiative, on the other hand, advocates an expansion of the AHV. It wants all pensioners to receive 13 instead of twelve monthly pensions.

Glättli concerned about climate and wars

Glättli was combative at the last delegates' meeting under his leadership. "Let's remain courageous. Let's stick together", he said according to the press release. The Greens are needed now more than ever, and all together, said Glättli. "With 2023, the hottest year is behind us," he said. And the next hottest year has probably begun.

Glättli painted a bleak picture of the current global situation. Not only the climate and nature are in crisis, "wars and conflicts are shaping the everyday lives of countless people". Glättli is also concerned that far-right parties are gaining strength in many places. He emphasized the responsibility of the Greens: "With the second-best result in our history, we are the second-largest Green parliamentary group."

Chiesa concerned about democracy

At his last delegates' meeting as President, Chiesa spoke out against any institutional ties between Switzerland and the EU. It would bury direct democracy and lead to further immigration, explained Chiesa.

The new negotiating mandate, which the Federal Council decided on at the end of 2023 following the failure of the institutional framework agreement, is "old wine in new bottles". With an institutional link, Switzerland would have to "bury its independence and direct democracy", said Chiesa.


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