Two 18-year-olds arrested after farm fire in Bottens VD

Published: Thursday, Feb 1st 2024, 11:01

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Arsonists may have been at work in the devastating farm fire in Bottens VD in December. The Vaudois police assume that the fire had a criminal background. They have arrested two 18-year-olds and remanded them in custody.

At this stage, the two suspects are presumed innocent, Vincent Derouand, spokesman for the Vaud public prosecutor's office, told the Keystone-SDA news agency on Thursday. He was confirming a report in the newspaper "24 Heures". The two young Swiss nationals living in the canton of Vaud were arrested on January 12.

The investigation is still ongoing. The exact causes and circumstances of the fire that destroyed the farm on the night of December 20/21 are not known, the spokesperson added.

A young French worker who lived on the farm was killed. Almost 400 cattle also died in the fire.


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