SP wants to crack the conservative government in Schwyz

Published: Monday, Feb 12th 2024, 09:50

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In the general elections on March 3 in the canton of Schwyz, the SP is doing everything it can to win back the seat in the government it lost twelve years ago. This is unlikely to be an easy task, as all seven previous members of the cantonal government are standing again.

However, the incumbents are not only being challenged by the SP. Peter Abegg, who is not a party member, also wants to try again. This is the third time that the 62-year-old farmer from Rothenthurm has run for government.

The seven government seats in Schwyz have been firmly in the hands of the conservatives since 2012. And the incumbent members of government are doing everything they can to ensure that this remains the case in the next legislature. André Rüegsegger, Herbert Huwiler and Xaver Schuler (all SVP), Michael Stähli and Sandro Patierno (both center) as well as Petra Steimen-Rickenbacher and Damian Meier (both FDP) will be running again.

However, the SP, as the fourth largest party, wants to prevent this and regain the seat it lost in 2012 with 33-year-old Cantonal Council President Jonathan Prelicz. Back then, the SP lost its seat on the Schwyz executive after Armin Hüppin stepped down after 68 years. Prelicz lives in Goldau and is a trained classical singer and teacher.

A pre-printed ballot paper

In the general elections, the candidate and the eight candidates are listed on a single official ballot paper. The order is determined by drawing lots.

In March 2023, voters decided that there should only be a single pre-printed ballot paper for major elections in the canton of Schwyz. This is intended to prevent "party packs". This procedure had already been used for the 2023 Council of States elections and now applies for the first time to elections to the cantonal government.

The 100-member cantonal parliament will also be newly elected on March 3. The SVP is currently the largest parliamentary group with 32 seats. The Center parliamentary group holds 24 seats, the FDP parliamentary group 20 seats, the SP parliamentary group 17 seats (including 1 non-party) and the GLP parliamentary group 6 seats.


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