SVP shocked after attack on Jews and Greens demand action

Published: Monday, Mar 4th 2024, 12:10

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Following the attack on an orthodox Jew in Zurich, the Greens are calling for an action plan from politicians. The SVP Switzerland places the blame on the left. With the "asylum chaos getting out of hand", a whole new generation of anti-Semites is being imported.

The SVP wrote in a statement on Monday that it was shocked and condemned the act. For the SVP, anti-Semitism in 2024 does not come from the right, but either "from the anti-capitalist left - which hypocritically disguises its anti-Semitism as 'criticism of Israel'" - or from immigrant milieus, which are often Muslim.

According to the SVP's statement, it is clear that the perpetrator was not a rabble-rousing neo-Nazi. Rather, the young perpetrator may have felt incited by the "prevailing anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish sentiment, particularly in the left-wing city of Zurich", according to the SVP.

Greens call for action plan

The Greens noted that the party has been calling for an action plan on racism and anti-Semitism for two years. The increasing incidents show that such a plan is urgently needed, the Swiss Greens announced on Monday.

A corresponding proposal was signed by more than half of the members of the National Council. "But the Federal Council wanted to remain inactive," criticize the Greens. Shaken by the increasing number of incidents, the National Council's Political Institutions Committee (SPK-N) finally picked up the ball in November and submitted an additional motion. This will be discussed in the National Council on Thursday. Approval is urgently needed to finally combat anti-Semitism and racism in our society effectively.


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