Confession video of the 15-year-old is included in the investigation

Published: Monday, Mar 4th 2024, 16:40

Updated At: Monday, Mar 4th 2024, 16:40

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Following the attack on an Orthodox Jewish man from Zurich, Security Director Mario Fehr (non-party) announced on Monday that a video of the alleged perpetrator exists. Fehr confirmed its authenticity and spoke of an act of terrorism.

In this video, the 15-year-old comments on his actions in Arabic. He calls for a "worldwide fight against Jews" and expresses solidarity with the Islamic State (IS). This video will be included in the investigation, said Fehr.

The suspect is a 15-year-old Swiss national with a Tunisian migration background. He was naturalized in 2011. Referring to the ongoing investigation, Fehr did not want to disclose whether the alleged perpetrator was known to the authorities and whether they knew how he had been radicalized.

Fehr calls for tougher juvenile criminal law

With regard to the young age of the suspect, Fehr said that the attack should encourage discussions about tougher juvenile criminal law. Means would have to be created to "permanently take such an offender out of circulation".

Fehr described the act as a "cowardly assassination" and an "act of terrorism". "Someone was stabbed solely because of their religion."

The Jewish citizens' sense of security had been shaken by the attack. "We will do everything we can to make them feel safe again," said Fehr.

According to Zurich City Councillor Karin Rykart (Greens), head of the Security Department, the protective measures for Jewish institutions in the city were increased immediately. The additional measures are to be maintained for as long as necessary.

"We will not hide"

Jonathan Kreutner, Secretary General of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG), spoke of a serious anti-Semitic attack that was not only unusual by Swiss standards, but by European standards as a whole.

According to Kreutner, the attack was not only aimed at the person concerned, but also at free and open Switzerland. Anti-Semitism not only affects the minority attacked, but society as a whole. "But Jewish life will go on. We will not hide. Fear and insecurity must not be allowed to get out of hand, that is the aim of these terrorists," said Kreutner.


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