Car driver dies in head-on collision with truck in Wattwil

Published: Tuesday, Mar 12th 2024, 18:00

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A 43-year-old female driver has died in a head-on collision with an oncoming truck in Wattwil SG. The lorry driver was uninjured, as reported by the St. Gallen cantonal police on Tuesday evening.

The woman was driving her car on the H16 bypass road from Wattwil in the direction of Ricken. For reasons still unknown according to the police on Tuesday, there was a head-on collision between the truck and the car shortly before the Wattwil tunnel.

Due to the force of the collision, the car was carried into the grassland on the right. The truck was also thrown off course, crossed the oncoming lane and came to a standstill on the embankment. The emergency services were only able to determine that the Swiss woman, who lived in the canton of St. Gallen, had died.

The cause of the accident was unclear on Tuesday evening, according to the police. According to the current state of knowledge, it must be assumed that the car had hit the lane half of the truck. The cantonal police are investigating the exact circumstances of the accident under the direction of the public prosecutor's office of the canton of St.Gallen.


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