Agreement conference deals with revised CO2 Act

Publié : Mercredi, 13 mars 2024, 12:20

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The revised CO2 Act for the years from 2025 will come before the unification conference. This is because the Councillors were unable to agree on whether or not the federal government should subsidize charging stations for e-cars. On other points, the National Council has followed the less ambitious path of the Council of States.

The unification conference therefore only needs to find a solution for the subsidization of charging stations for electric cars. This is not about the stations themselves, but about basic installations in residential buildings with several parties and companies with several workplaces.

The National Council wants to allocate up to CHF 20 million a year from the mineral oil tax revenue for this purpose. Bastien Girod (Greens/ZH) said that a promotion campaign was needed. The Council of States opposed this promotion.

The National Council resolved further differences on Wednesday. At the request of the FDP and SVP and against the will of the majority of the Committee, it decided by 101 votes to 90 not to include a fixed quota for the reduction of domestic greenhouse gas emissions in the revised CO2 Act. Most recently, it had wanted a quota of 70 percent.

Thanks to the votes of the GLP, the Council of States has now prevailed. It decided on a reduction "primarily" with domestic measures. The quota is to be set by the Federal Council. Environment Minister Albert Rösti assured the Federal Council that he would propose a figure of 66%. This is realistic in view of the measures adopted.

The National Council also gave way on the reduction path for the reduction of CO2 emissions from passenger cars. It had wanted to set specific interim targets for the years 2025 to 2029. By 104 votes to 88, it has now decided against this and followed the Council of States. The target itself - a maximum of 49.5 grams of CO2 per kilometer for passenger cars from 2030 - was no longer controversial.

The National Council also refrained from writing into the CO2 Act that car importers and manufacturers who do not belong to an emissions pool should no longer be able to sell vehicles to each other. However, the Council of States rejected this passage and the National Council agreed.


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