Swiss contribution to UN Palestinian Relief and Works Agency remains suspended

Published: Thursday, Mar 21st 2024, 17:10

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In view of a famine in Gaza, 17 aid organizations are calling for the rapid release of Swiss funds for the UN Palestinian Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). They made an appeal to Parliament and the Federal Council on Thursday. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, however, has refused.

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) told the Keystone-SDA news agency in response to an inquiry that a decision on the disbursement of the 20 million Swiss francs earmarked for 2024 could only be made once more information about the serious allegations against the aid organization was available.

In addition, humanitarian organizations in the Middle East could only be supported after consultation with the Foreign Affairs Committees of the National Council and Council of States. Parliament decided this in the winter session in December when discussing the budget.

According to the FDFA, these consultations are scheduled for the second quarter of 2024. The funds will be paid out in tranches, the department added.


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