Bernhard Diethelm Defends Against “Media Prejudgment”

Published: Wednesday, Jun 28th 2023, 13:20

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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Bernhard Diethelm, SVP-Kantonsrat from Vorderthal, Switzerland, gave a ten-minute statement to the media in response to the charges of attempted rape, assault and other crimes brought against him by the Zurich prosecutor's office. Diethelm expressed his outrage at the "irreparable pre-judgement" he had suffered due to the media coverage of the case. He argued that the accusations were one-sided and exaggerated, and that the case was a "four-eyes-delict" of two conflicting testimonies. He also stated that his private sex life should not be made public, and that it had nothing to do with his political activities or his party, the SVP. Diethelm said he saw no reason to resign from his political offices at this time, and that the suspension of his party membership should not be a topic of discussion. He also said he would not make any further public statements until the trial at the District Court of Zurich. The statement was attended by 17 media representatives and a few SVP faction colleagues, and Diethelm did not attend the cantonal council session on Wednesday.


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