Criminalité et justice

René Benko Under Scrutiny For Moving Money
Austrian entrepreneur René Benko faces allegations of manipulating millions within Signa Keystone/MARCEL KUSCH The real estate entrepreneur René Benko and the decline of his largely insolvent Signa network of companies.
ATM Explosions in Switzerland: Zuzwil Targeted – 3rd ATM This Week
Thieves blow up an ATM in Zuzwil, fleeing with an undisclosed amount of cash, leaving significant damage in their wake.
Small Credit Suisse Shareholders Class Action Lawsuit
The legal dispute over UBS's CS acquisition terms faces a delay as SASV secures a three-month extension.
Counterfeit Criminals Caught Red Handed With CHF 5 Million Fake Franks and 300Kg of Cannibis
Two Swiss men face charges for a bold attempt at circulating fake 50-dollar bills, unearthing a professional counterfeiting setup and illicit drugs trade.
Le différend sur le budget du Tessin réglé par le Tribunal fédéral
The Federal Supreme Court backs Ticino's 2024 budget, affirming parliamentary decision against appeal for referendum rights on asylum and personnel policy provisions.
Swiss Cave Murder
Swiss Cave Murder – Landmark Ruling: 19 Years of Therapy Minimum
A man's gruesome plan under the guise of bravery leads to a cold-blooded murder and a landmark ruling.
Swiss Money Laundering: Lebanese Foreign Bank Faces Sanctions
Swiss regulators are cracking down on money laundering, imposing hefty fines and corrective measures on Banque Audi (Suisse).
Swiss Car Theft Hits New Highs: Crime Up 14%
Switzerland witnessed a significant 14% uptick in criminal activities last year, with vehicle-related thefts hitting a new high since 2009.
ATM Explosions: Another in Lucerne This Morning – 10 People Evacuated
A string of ATM explosions rattles Swiss villages, with Ruswil and Kuttigen facing brazen heists.
Sunday, March 24 – Weekly Roundup
Skyguide faces a storm of challenges while Switzerland intensifies deportation flights.
Vol à l'explosif au distributeur automatique de billets de Kuttigen : Appel à témoins
Early Saturday in Kuttigen, an ATM heist leaves the community in shock, prompting a massive police search.
Coups de feu à Zoug : Un suspect kosovar en garde à vue
Zoug a été le théâtre d'une fusillade critique qui a causé des blessures mortelles à un Suisse.
Fire At Asylum Center in Aarau: Resident Burned It
A resident ignited a blaze at an Aarau asylum shelter, prompting an emergency evacuation of 70 people.
Gouvernance d'entreprise : La bataille du conseil d'administration de SoftwareONE
SoftwareONE est confronté à un bras de fer au sein du conseil d'administration, mettant en lumière les subtilités des droits des actionnaires, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et de la quête de contrôle.
36 ans de cavale, 2 évasions de prison : La vie de Marco Müller
From the football pitch to a life of crime, Marco Müller's story took a dramatic turn, culminating in an unexpected demise.
Cryptocurrencies in Switzerland
Les crypto-monnaies en Suisse : Une épée à double tranchant
Switzerland's embrace of virtual assets blurs traditional financial boundaries but raises significant risks, drawing attention from both innovators and illicit actors.
Sunday, March 17 – Weekly Roundup
From the public's stance on the 13th AHV pension financing to increasing rescue operations for lost hikers and more.
Nomination d'un nouveau directeur général du groupe Stadtcasino Baden après une amende d'un million d'euros
The Stadtcasino Baden Group is replacing its CEO with immediate effect. Keystone/STEFAN DEUBER The Board of Directors has appointed Christian Aumüller as the new CEO.

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