
Switzerland drops its minimum wage
Why the Swiss National Bank raised its interest rate to 2008 levels, how Switzerland is perceived in international media, and more in our roundup of news from December 13 - 16.
Energy supply in Switzerland is ‘guaranteed’
Switzerland is better prepared than its European neighbors for the projected winter energy shortage, but still has a long way to go if it intends to meet certain goals the Swiss government announced in 2021.
The luxury Swiss train that can ‘jump tracks’
Where Ukraine is keeping their precious artwork in Switzerland, the most luxurious Swiss train to date, and more in our roundup of news from December 9 - 13.
Remaniement du Parlement suisse
Credit Suisse’s ‘Hail Mary’ to save the bank, how Switzerland took the World Cup defeat, and more in our roundup of news from December 6 - 9.
Accusations pénales contre le futur président de la Suisse
Switzerland's future President Alain Berset falsely claimed on national television that those vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccines could not spread the virus, but has not yet been held accountable.
Swiss banks under investigation over sharing data
Switzerland plays Portugal in the World Cup today, why a health insurance subsidies program has been hotly debated in Bern, and more in our roundup of news from December 3 - 6.
Swiss electric car ‘ban’ causes undue stress
Will electric car trips be restricted in Switzerland this winter? It's possible, but very unlikely according to a draft proposal on emergency measures to conserve energy in the event of an extreme shortage.
Combien d'argent russe se trouve-t-il dans les banques suisses ?
La FDA approuve une thérapie suisse innovante à base de matières fécales, pourquoi un groupe de Suisses estime que le pays devrait se rapprocher de l'UE, et plus encore dans notre tour d'horizon de l'actualité du 30 novembre au 2 décembre.
U.S. eyes Swiss company with Russia ties
For months, the U.S. government has been squeezing Switzerland over how it handles its Russian business ties.
Credit Suisse in free fall
How Switzerland fared in Monday’s World Cup game, where Switzerland’s most sustainable ski resort is located, and more in our roundup of news from November 25 - 29.
Switzerland on Ukraine: We support the victims
Swiss ambassador to Ukraine redefines its neutrality, how Switzerland is cracking down on the mafia, and more in our roundup of news from November 22 - 25.
Credit Suisse on track for $1.6B loss
Credit Suisse continues to struggle in its fourth quarter of 2022. The Swiss financial institution announced Wednesday that it may lose up to $1.
The world’s most expensive hot dog is in Switzerland
Why the Swiss Army will be disrupting traffic over the next week, where Rolex is building a new production site, and more in our roundup of news from November 19 – 22.
FIFA, Switzerland and their inextricable link
Spanning six continents, boasting millions of players, billions of fans, and some of the wealthiest sponsors in the world, no other sporting organization comes close to rivaling the power of FIFA.
Will Switzerland enforce heating restrictions?
Why Swiss ski chalet prices are skyrocketing, where Christmas markets have opened, and more in our roundup of news from November 15 - 18.
Switzerland responds to missile in Poland
Swiss President Ignazio Cassis expressed concern late Tuesday evening over news that an alleged Russian missile exploded in Poland, as the country is a member state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Swiss construction workers threaten to walk out
How Switzerland is dealing with a growing wolf population, why the nation dropped in climate-friendly rankings, and more in our roundup of news from November 11 – 15.
La neutralité suisse pourrait faire l'objet d'un vote
Swiss scientists announce an exciting invention, what Credit Suisse will do next, and more in our roundup of news from November 8 - 11.

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