Science et technologie

Pourquoi la Suisse reste-t-elle un pôle de recherche majeur ?
La Suisse a investi environ 24,6 milliards de francs suisses dans la recherche en 2021, ce qui en fait l'un des leaders internationaux dans ce domaine.
Des chercheurs suisses se voient confier des poussières d'astéroïdes
Des chercheurs suisses ont reçu des grains de poussière d'astéroïde afin d'étudier si l'eau présente sur Terre provient de l'espace.
Des médecins suisses testent un vaccin révolutionnaire contre le cancer de la peau
Des médecins suisses affirment avoir déjà obtenu des "résultats impressionnants" en testant un vaccin contre le cancer de la peau qui pourrait réduire les récidives de 65%.
Un chercheur suisse permet à un homme paraplégique de remarcher
Un homme paraplégique peut marcher à nouveau après 12 ans grâce à un implant cérébral.
Des chercheurs suisses : Le zinc pourrait remplacer les batteries au lithium
Les batteries au zinc sont des alternatives prometteuses aux batteries lithium-ion. Des scientifiques de l'ETH Zurich ont mis au point des batteries qui peuvent être chargées encore plus rapidement et qui ne contiennent pas de sels toxiques.
The Swiss researchers in search of ‘the origin of life’
A new research center at ETH Zurich wants to trace the origins of life. Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz will lead the new Centre for Origin and Prevalence of Life with more than 40 different research groups.
Best invention of 2022: The Swiss paper battery
A water-activated paper battery from Switzerland is one of the world's best inventions of 2022 according to TIME magazine.
The Swiss self-driving wheelchair for airports
Mastering the challenges at the airport for passengers with reduced mobility might soon become much easier thanks to new, autonomous wheelchair technology.
The Swiss robot guarding the nation’s railways
An autonomous robot developed by ETH Zurich researchers will soon replace outdoor security patrols thanks to AI and state-of-the-art technology.
The Swiss start-up decontaminating Chernobyl
Geneva-based company Exlterra has worked on the site of the damaged nuclear power plant in Ukraine for more than a year.
The Swiss start-up turning beer into baguettes
A start-up from Valais is transforming food waste into nutritious ingredients. Its first product is a concentrate extracted from brewer's spent grain to be used in bread.
Swiss researchers create a monitoring system for coral reefs
Swiss researchers have figured out how to monitor Coral Reefs and how they are adapting -- or not adapting -- to changes in climate.
Is Switzerland headed for an energy crisis again?
Switzerland may not be lucky enough with another mild winter. Energy experts say Switzerland should rethink its relationship with nuclear power.
Could lasers replace lightning rods? Switzerland wants to find out
A super laser lightning rod could be used to protect nuclear power plants and airports from dangerous lightning storms.
Hackers: Swiss school data published on the dark web
The Bianlian ransomware gang has struck again in Switzerland – this time targeting the department of education in Basel.
How Swiss research into 1.5 million-year-old ice could solve climate puzzles
Swiss researchers have developed a method for analyzing 1.5 million-year-old ice that may help solve a climate puzzle.
AI endangering Swiss office jobs
Artificial intelligence is primarily affecting Swiss jobs in sales, retail, and production, according to a new study.
Swiss study identifies neurons that restore walking after paralysis
A study by Lausanne-based scientists has identified the neurons that may help paralyzed patients walk more easily.

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