Concours du titre de champion du monde de fromage à raclette dans le Valais, en Suisse

Concours du titre de champion du monde de fromage à raclette dans le Valais, en Suisse

ven, 27 octobre 2023

This weekend, the first Raclette World Championship will take place in the Valais region of Switzerland. From around 90 different types of cheese, the best products will be chosen to crown the champion of this traditional Swiss dish.

(Photo par Claudio Schwarz sur Unsplash)

On Saturday, judges will gather in a hall in the village center of Morgins VS to taste the various cheese wheels divided into three categories: raw milk from the alp, raw milk from the dairy, and other raclette cheeses, said Christophe Berra, president of the organizing committee, to the news agency Keystone-SDA.

Producers from the Valais region of Switzerland, mostly, are presenting one or two types of cheese. There are also cheese wheels from Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, and the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Others come from France, Italy, Belgium, Romania, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

A doctor from Romania.

Behind the Canadian candidate lies an exiled Valaisan who produces Raclette cheese overseas. The Romanian, meanwhile, developed such a taste for melted cheese during his time as a doctor in the Valais that he decided to produce it at home.

The organizers had hoped to reach out to producers from Japan, Brazil, and Argentina, but administrative difficulties thwarted these plans.

A panel of 50 experts and consumers has made an initial selection of 20 percent of products. These chosen products will then be evaluated by eight internationally recognized judges. Color, durability, texture, strength, and flavors – nothing is left to chance: “The tasting is like a wine tasting,” says Berra.

Behind the scenes, a dozen “cheese scrapers” will be at work. These volunteers have the challenging task of creating perfect raclettes, particularly with the right temperature and without burning on the top. The results of the first Raclette World Championship will be announced on Sunday.


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