5 Million Envelopes Sent to Eligible Voters for 2023 Elections
Published: Wednesday, Oct 4th 2023, 09:56
Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12
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Last week, according to its own figures, the Swiss Post sent more than five million election envelopes for the Swiss Federal Elections on October 22. This amounted to around 2000 tons of material, which was distributed across Switzerland with almost 400 truckloads. The Swiss Post announced on Wednesday that in almost all cantons, the envelope weighed 500 grams. To ensure uniform delivery deadlines for the elections across Switzerland, the Post had to process the material within a week. The sorting machines were almost continuously in operation for two weeks. After that, the final distribution was carried out by the postwomen and postmen. It is expected that more than one million ballots with filled-out ballots will be returned to the municipalities by post due to the large number of voters who will be voting by mail. The Swiss Post is preparing to process the large influx of mail-in ballots, as it is estimated that around half of the voters will be voting by mail. In order for votes to arrive in time at the polling stations, the Post recommends sending the ballots either with A-Post no later than October 19th or with B-Post no later than October 17th. B-Post shipments sent on Wednesday, October 18th or later will not be counted as they will only arrive at the municipality after the election weekend.