Audience Award Caricature of the Year 2023 goes to Caroline Rutz

Published: Thursday, Mar 28th 2024, 14:10

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The caricaturist Caroline Rutz has received the Audience Award at the "Gezeichnet" exhibition at the Museum of Communication in Bern for her drawing on the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

Every year, the "Drawn" exhibition at the Museum of Communication brings together the most successful press drawings. Last year, the federal elections and the ailing healthcare system were just two of the topics the illustrators focused on.

The sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church were also particularly moving, the exhibition organizers wrote in a press release on Thursday. Caroline Rutz, alias Caro, received the most votes from the public with her drawing "The tip of the iceberg".

"Marco Ratschiller, himself an illustrator and co-organizer of the exhibition, stated: "A well-deserved winner. The work illustrates the strengths of press drawings very well. Viewers are introduced to the subject with humor, but on closer inspection the smile gets stuck in their throat.

Draughtsman Ruedi Widmer came in second place with the public. He focused on the federal elections. In third place was Tom Künzli, who focused on the rising costs of healthcare.

The "Drawn" exhibition was launched in 2008 and is held at the Museum of Communication in Bern between December and February.


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