Award for hamlet area on the Frienisberg plateau in Bern

Published: Monday, Mar 25th 2024, 12:20

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The hamlet landscape on the Frienisberg plateau in the canton of Bern is "Landscape of the Year 2024". The Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation (SL) awarded the prize to the inter-municipal specialist consultancy Baugestaltung, which is responsible for the area.

It is one of the most distinctive hamlet landscapes in Switzerland, SL wrote on Monday about the award. The hamlet landscape on the Frienisberg plateau represents a valuable landscape ensemble on the outskirts of Bern and Zollikofen.

Around 25 hamlets and small settlements are spread across the plateau. Despite the high number of settlements, there is never a feeling of urban sprawl, wrote SL. The intensively used cultural landscape, which was meliorated early on, has an astonishing wealth of structures.

The now honored inter-municipal building design consultancy works on behalf of the four municipalities of Wohlen, Meikirch, Kirchlindach and Bremgarten. The SL wrote that they did not want inner development at any price, but rather continued to develop the small settlements in a prudent manner. In this way, new needs could be met without the hamlets losing their special features.

With the "Landscape of the Year" award, which was presented for the first time in 2011, the Landscape Conservation Foundation aims to honor outstanding cultural landscapes as well as the community commitment of the local population to the landscape.

The prize is endowed with CHF 10,000. It will be presented on May 4, 2024 in Uettligen. This is the second time that SL has named a "Landscape of the Year" in the canton of Bern. In 2017, the Aare-Hagneck Canal power plant landscape received the award.


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