Basta recommends Mustafa Atici in Basel government council elections

Published: Monday, Jan 29th 2024, 22:00

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The left-wing party Basta is supporting the SP candidate Mustafa in the Basel government council elections on March 3. At the general meeting on Monday evening, the decision was made by a narrow margin, according to the party secretariat.

In addition to Atici, the candidate Jérôme Thiriet (Greens) was also invited to a hearing. The Basta members decided "after an intensive discussion" whether they should support one of the two with an election recommendation or decide to abstain from voting. In the end, Atici won the race. Despite certain differences, there were also many political similarities, it was added.

There are different election recommendations among well-known Basta representatives. National Councillor Sibel Arslan, for example, has joined Thiriet's support committee. Grand Councillors Heidi Mück and Tonja Zürcher, on the other hand, are on Atici's support committee.

On the conservative side, FDP councillor Luca Urgese is in the running for the seat in the cantonal government vacated by Beat Jans (SP), who was elected to the Federal Council in December. The incumbent Director of Education Conradin Cramer (LDP) is running for the presidency of the cantonal government.


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