Birth and death in the same hospital – but in a different municipality

Published: Tuesday, Mar 19th 2024, 18:40

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Because the Bürgerspital Solothurn is partly located in the neighboring municipality of Biberist SO, the place of birth or death can vary depending on the department or room. This was confirmed by the media office of the Solothurn hospitals (SoH) on request.

Cantonal Council President Marco Lupi (FDP) drew attention to a curiosity during Tuesday's session of the Solothurn Cantonal Council. His daughter, who was recently born in the Bürgerspital Solothurn, was given the place of birth Biberist SO, said the 46-year-old. However, if someone dies in the same hospital, Solothurn is given as the place of death.

In response to an inquiry from the Keystone-SDA news agency, the SoH media office explained that the municipal boundary between the town of Solothurn and Biberist runs right through the middle of the Bürgerspital buildings. Because the maternity ward is located on Biberist soil, the children are generally born in Biberist.

In order to be able to record deaths correctly, each department and each room is assigned to the correct municipality according to its location, it said. Contrary to the assumption of the President of the Cantonal Council, Biberist could therefore also be considered as the place of death.

The same with Olten and Trimbach

Not only the Bürgerspital Solothurn is located on a municipal border, but also the Kantonsspital Olten. Because the maternity ward is located in the municipality of Trimbach, the place of birth Olten would be rather unusual there. Depending on the room or ward, people who die in Olten Cantonal Hospital are also registered with either Olten or Trimbach as the place of death.


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