Head-to-Head Race Between CDU and FDP for Third Place

Published: Wednesday, Sep 6th 2023, 16:40

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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For the first time in the history of the Swiss Confederation, the Mitte party has joined forces with its predecessor, the CVP, to form an alliance with the Freisinnigen. According to the latest SRG election barometer, the Mitte and FDP parties are in a neck-and-neck race as the third largest party in the Federal Assembly. The survey, conducted between 4th and 25th August, shows that the Mitte party has 14.8% of the vote, while the FDP has 14.6%. In the 2019 elections, the CVP had 11.4%. The survey also shows that the Greens have lost 2.5% of their vote share, while the GLP has lost 0.5%. The SVP, which was the biggest loser in 2019, is gaining momentum, with a 2% increase to 27.6%. The SP is the second largest party, with 17.3% of the vote, a 0.5% increase from 2019. The barometer shows a shift to the right, with the left-green bloc losing 2% of its vote share, while the parties to the right of the Mitte (SVP and FDP) gaining 1.5%. The biggest shift is between the Greens and the SP, with the Greens losing 1% of their vote share to the SP. The SVP gains come from various sources, the most important being the FDP. The SVP voter share is growing at the expense of the Freisinnigen, with a 0.5% increase. The survey was conducted by the Institute Sotomo and the SRG's online channels, with 40,889 participants. The results are representative of the active voting population.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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